I just put a good external chamfer on my cartridges and knocked the OO's in with a nylon hammer. It slices a tiny annular sliver off the ball. Great around camp shooting rats or coons without waking up the world.
I just put a good external chamfer on my cartridges and knocked the OO's in with a nylon hammer. It slices a tiny annular sliver off the ball. Great around camp shooting rats or coons without waking up the world.
hi your case is .3571 in cu. in . volume are you adding some fuller to your powder cheers
reminds me of our rat loads in the huts when bored on wet day - we would take the projectile out of a .222 then shave slivers (tiny) of a .22 mix with wax and put into .222 after tipping out a lot of powder - when mousey or ratty appeared bang - surprisingly effective - huts not visited for some time rats were at times bad - gin trap and peanut butter worked well when carefully hair trigged - remember pulling horse up in front of the old Parihaka hut Waiau River - I could hear the rats scuttling from under the mattresses across the floor to holes under fire place - kept riding another couple of hours to Central Waiau