00 buck shot load help
New to shotgun reloading, made up first batch of 00 buck cast using my own lead 25.8 gr ap70n Win AA hulls on top of claybuster CB1114-12 wads, out of a rather short barrel 19 inch barrel with a M choke.......rather average pattern at 25 meters......any tricks for 00 Buckshot!
if you look in the lyman manual they will tell you that 25 yards IS buckshot range....... try a steel shot non split wad and/or plastic grit/buffer material.....
if its for wallabies try #2 shot as you will be far better off.
Yeah buckshot is not that great at anything over 25 yrds.
15-20 yrds is ideal.
A modified-3/4 choke is in my experience the best to use with it as well.
Won't distort the pellets as much and throws the more reliable pattern, but they are still shit compared to what you can print with smaller shot.
You will throw pellets and never print a consistent pattern.😆
I have fired thousands of all the available factory brands. We chopped and changed brands a lot but Winchester seemed the most reliable.
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Took them out to a range with some steel falling targets, your right 15-20 yards was just about right, pattern in close was ok while further out there was no real consistent pattern just area, but they were spot on, i must have fluked an ok load, then my mate produced a lyman solid mold that looks like a giant air rifle pallet! needless to say i got home and cast a few up last night......525gr!
+1 for Winchester, also tried every type under the sun, years ago we got some buffered federal that patterned well, but the biggest influence IMHO is choke, cyl or imp cyl worked best for me. There are also dedicated buckshot chokes that work well. Buying bulk will be cheaper and easier than reloading anyway I would have thought.
Helicopter shooters and reloading are normally a recipe for disaster. 😆
I have fired some net gun loads that have almost blown me out the pilots door.
Got them off some other helicopter operator who's guy was a genius with reloading😆
I haven't seen Wayne for years.
Good bugger.
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I know. I haven't been north of Inungahua junction on the coast in years.
Must go up surfcasting for snaps sometime.
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