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Thread: 162 amax

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    162 amax

    hi all

    what sort of results are we all having with amax on game? at rem mag speeds if it helps
    had some strange results that is making me think about a change

    1st off had to pull a few and the crumple like tin foil in the puller which the 140 6.5mm ones dont
    2nd took 2 shots to almost kill a rabbit at 20m (no shit i couldnt belive it myself) and no it wasnt shot placement
    3rd a coulpe of wallabys took a hit went down then after a breather got back up, all the rest dead on hit

    just my luck or is it the amax

  2. #2
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Mate shoots deer with them out of his 708. Kills em.

  3. #3
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    One shot kill on a red hind at 450yds and also a red hind at 596yds from a 7 SAUM. With the older amax I had plenty of one shot kills out to 638yds with a 7mm mag.

  4. #4
    Member Spook's Avatar
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    The last time I shot a rabbit with 162 Amax through my STW, all I found was a 50mm square of skin and a 3 metre trail of bloody mess...having 93 grains of powder behind it probably helped.
    Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.

  5. #5
    GWH is offline
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    A rabbit is hardly a terminal performance test for a 162 amax. I shot a big bodied red stag at 475 yds thru both shoulder blades, no exit but it pole axed it straight down. Fired from 7mm SAUM @ 3,000 fps.

  6. #6
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    I’ve used plenty of AMax on deer and Tahr (6.5 cal). Although I persist with them, and have never lost an animal with them, my overall assessment is that they are not a good all round bullet. Sometimes penetration can be a bit dodgy. I prefer SST but they don’t calibrate with my ballistic reticle.

    All projectiles seem to have their plusses and minuses though. They are after all mainly just a lump of lead and copper. I don’t fret about them too much.

  7. #7
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    I've shot deer and pigs with mine out to 675 yards. Apart from a yearling hind up close they were all one shot kills. Just remember they are target projectiles that happen to kill quite well at long ranges/slow speeds.

    Your sample of examples is not really much to go on; there's miles too much talk on forums about good/bad projectiles without sound field experience to back up statements (no offence). One would literally need to shoot 100s of shots with a certain projectile before making a definitive statement about their performance, someone like Nathan Foster or Greg Duely...

    I like them, my mate likes Bergers in his 7mm RM, we both haven't shot enough deer/pigs/goats to really say what's best... Both projectiles have seen deer run after been shot.

    Use them they're great for long range, apparently...

  8. #8
    Member Crash123's Avatar
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    I use 162amax's through my 7RM Sendero and have found they are best at long range, not because they don't kill at short range but because they make one hell of a mess at short range if you don't hit the right spot. I have heard stories about amaxs shrapnelising on impact and not killing animals but that's only if they strike bone directly and only very occasionally. Strange if your shooting animals at close range and they aren't killing them, sounds like they are staying intact and going through rather than exploding like they normally do.
    (Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt)
    Confuscious say war not determine who right, war determine who left

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    162 amax

    Longrange 308 is shooting rabbits with them



    You are always going to get strange results
    veitnamcam and GWH like this.
    A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time

  10. #10
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    162 amax

    So, as luck would have it and both rabbits aside...
    I assume the consensus is the 162amax works 'better' at reduced speed... Correct?
    Do any of you use as a lighter loaded projectile? ... 2600fps like? Like from the much acclaimed and highly appreciated and mighty 7mm08 speed range?
    They appear to shoot well but I fail to see the point of pissing around loading multiple projectile loads if the 'main' objective is to shoot NZ game.
    Obviously my and some of us will basically never need to push a pill super fast for the 50-300m shots to use the 7mm to its potential but even nights was a large boar at 60m in the rain.
    60metres. 140 partitions.
    Dan M

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmsaum View Post
    Longrange 308 is shooting rabbits with them


    You are always going to get strange results
    Was just one of the things that got shot at

  12. #12
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    Here's some of the pulled pills, any less pressure wouldn't pull them any more Did more damage, yet the 6.5 amax looks like new when pulled

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longrange308 View Post

    Here's some of the pulled pills, any less pressure wouldn't pull them any more Did more damage, yet the 6.5 amax looks like new when pulled

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Greater force required to pull the projectiles suggests you have increased neck tension in the 7mm vs the 6.5 and has no bearing on the bullet you're using.
    PERRISCICABA likes this.

  14. #14
    Member Looseunit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longrange308 View Post

    Here's some of the pulled pills, any less pressure wouldn't pull them any more Did more damage, yet the 6.5 amax looks like new when pulled

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    change to an impact puller and you will get no marks

  15. #15
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    Name:  162 A-max post fallow.jpg
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    This is a 162gr A-max removed from a fallow I shot. The shot was a quick one at 410yrd in the neck and ended up just inside the top of the far shoulder. It ran about 0.5mm so no complaints with that or its prefromance to date on reds. MV at impact would be 2458fps.



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