22 creedmoor 88gr eldm
Hey fellas,
I’m about to become the proud owner of a 22 creedmoor. Looks like a fun wee cartridge.
I’m after any load data someone might have using the 88gr eldm? I can only find data for 85 and 90 grain pills so if all else fails I’ll just start at the minimum for the 90gr a-tips.
I’ve got most of the adi powders on hand but not much else so would be good to stick with them.
You got the twist rate for it? It really wants a 1:7.
7 might make em pop I think 7.5 is the desired but don’t take that as gospel I’m still doing my research for barrel twist
They're holding up fine in my 22-250AI. So far at least.
Nice one man i run them in my 22x47lap 1-8 twist they shoot silly little groups to 1100y (haven't tried further yet)
Going to build a carry 22cm or 6cm soon getting bored of the 6.5
1-7 twist and 24 inch hardy tube
Hey @Missalot how are you getting on with your 22 creed? I pick mine up tomorrow, with dies and cases likely arriving early next week.
Its a great cartridge, built quite a few now, about to be SAAMI'ed soon apparently
@Hunter_Nick Haven’t had a chance to use it on bigger critters yet but load development was a piece of cake, and the local hares and plovers don’t like it! Flick me a PM if you want info on load data etc