Hi @Nibblet
I ended up with Norma match ammo.
Eley Black shot fantastic at 50m, great at 100m but accuracy with it dropped at 200m - velocity spread was pretty good as well.
RWS stuff again shot well at 50m pretty good at 100m and ok at 200m.
Lapua polar shot awesome at 50m (almost as good as the Eley black), great at 100m, and best at 200m with acceptable velocity spread.
SK shot wuite good at 50, pretty good at 100, and not bad at all at 200m - best performance for cheap price i thought. Note quite as good as the lapua but easily half the price.
Norma shot almost as good as the Eley black at 50m, as good as the Lapua at 100m, and slightly better than the Lapua at 200m - ok velocity spread and again much cheaper than the Lapua or the Eley. So Norma it was - i have a friend that uses it as well in his quad.
Sorry no target pictures - i have some targets around here but i don't tend to photo them.