I my experience the NBT's are a stout bullet these days. Any reputation they may have of being 'explody' stems from the early version of the NBT's that were more lightly constructed. IIRC Nosler listened to the feedback way back then and changed the construction of the BT.
Ive shot deer with various NBT's, 6.5mm 100gr doing 3300 out of my 260 rem at a range of 25 yards, 7mm 120gr from 7mm08 going quick, 150gr 7mm from 284win doing 3k at ranges from 20 yards to 750. All have worked beautifully. Ive just changed to a 140nbt in my 15" 7mm08 as well, but havnt killed anything with it as yet.
I dont think you need to worry too much about the modern NBT's, i'd trust them well ahead of a 7mm 139 gr SST, but thats not saying much ;-)