Has anyone loaded the .222 with 2208 and chronographed it?
Has anyone loaded the .222 with 2208 and chronographed it?
55gr sierra , 23.5 gr was a compressed load and around the 2750 fps mark from a 20 inch barrel. Something like 2219 is a far better option.
Just a slopy retrobate
I'm trying to develop a load for 75gr Amax's in my 223 with 2208.
2208 is the same as Varget which is better suited for heavier bullets in 223 (or 222), I was getting between 2750 and 2850 with 24-25gr of powder, but the bullet is seated way out.
Most folk tend to go with ADI Benchmark 2 (Hodgon Benchmark) or Hodgon H335 for lighter .22 bullets, but according to the Hodgon website Varget/AR2208 gives good velocity out of 55gr bullets too.
Yes I see that as well, which is why I wondered if someone has been there and chronogrpahed it before me. The pressures look a bit low
for decent velocity so was hoping someone has a real world example, like Sneeze above, and thanks for his post.
I am curious what a max 25 grain load of compressed 2208 would do behind a 55 grainer with a full length barrel. Judging by the pressures its only max because its a caseful of the stuff; the book quotes over 3000 fps , I wonder if its true.
I will find out.
55gr HDY SP + 25gr 2208 at 3025fps (previous owner's load data). Compressed load.
What rifle and how long is your barrel Pauli?
We use 24.7 gr 2208 in Norma cases with 80 gr Amax projectiles for a Savage Model 12 .233 26" barrel 1:7 twist.
Chronographed at 2830 fps this load will shoot targets out to 900 yards and 1000 yards in lighter wind.
Can struggle at 1000 yards in heavier winds.
Why the focus on velocity, it's only one part of the equation.
Sako Vixen L461/23" barrel.
The reason I stopped at 23.4 is because there wasn't enough neck tension to hold the bullet against the compressed load with 24gr. At 2.160 oal they would seat but checking the next day they would grow. 25gr of 2208 is almost water level in my norma cases. H322 (2219) uses less powder , non compressed and a comfortable 3050 with 55gr horn, sierria and BTs from a little BSA hunter.
Just a slopy retrobate
The 55gr HDY SP/25gr 2208 combo hits goats like a hammer out to 200m+.
Currently using 55gr SIE BK + 26gr W748 (don't know how fast/slow). The last 3 fallow deer (160m, 53m and 55m) haven't answered back!
Yeah they are a good little bullet, cheap as well, the 25gr load will depend on the depth of throat in the .222 . Mines a little short and I couldn't get any where near it , it works very well in the .223 though.
Just a slopy retrobate
I've got 55 grain Hornady's, the ones with the cannelure, and 52 grain Sierra HPBT Match to try.
I used BLC-2 with the 52 grn match.
this is in a 223 for what it's worth
60 gr hornady 25gr 2208 2850fps shifted to 2206h for 3050 with the same grain loading, trialing 2207 20 grains next. Mix of ppu, winchester and Remington and federal cases 25.5 gr seems bout the max of any powder you can squeeze in.