Don't get too tied up in trying to be such and such off the lands. Knowing Jam length is handy to stay right away from, may even be irrelevant as your mag may not allow it.
What you really need is a 22 cal olgive gauge and measure off the oligive of you want repeatedly accurate ammo as it's small adjustments around this that can produce startling results.
You might be 40 thou off, you might be 120 where another node is and you don't even need to know that but just to be able to accurately measure your length of bullet repeatdly accurately so you can record your results and improve or repeat an accurate load. You also need to consider the size of the bullet that you aren't trying to seat it out ridiculously long relative to case, if that makes sense?
I think in an earlier post think you mentioned copying oal off some factory ammo that shot well in your rifle, this is a good idea as ammo makers know their stufff and if using same projectiles is often a good start.