I've had four .223 Rifles over the last few years , but that number has been whittled down to just one now ( One of the four has been turned into a 6x45 , which so far is quickly becoming my favourite Rifle I've ever owned and the .223 Han't been used much lately ) .
The one remaining .223 is a Howa Factory 20 inch 1-8 fluted barrel in a Stocky's Carbon Stock .
80gn projectiles aren't an option in the Howa due to magazine length , 77gn TMK's are what I've played with and I wanted a heavier Projectile because Pigs are sometimes encountered while out and about on the property .
Starline Brass
Sierra 77gn TMK
ADI 2206H
The below photo is one of the tests I did initially and the final load is 23.9gn 2206H which is averaging 14mm ( centre to centre ) at 100m . I only really shoot 3 shot groups , and I know there is debate about their validity , but that 14mm average is from 57 x 3 shot groups ( shot over many different days and weather conditions) .I don't have a velocity even though I do now own a chronograph , I just haven't got around to testing it yet but all of my hunting is done 250m and closer so I'm not bothered by ballistic charts etc with this Rifle .
Because I now have the 6x45 throwing 85gn projectiles I will revisit the 53gn Hornady Vmax bullets in this Rifle which better suit it's intended Target of Dingoes here in Queensland , the below target is from a while ago with the 53gn Vmax's and Benchmark powder .
I never really followed up on this combination, but I was just interested in seeing if the barrel liked the 53gn bullets and I think they will do very well with more testing .( note on the 53gn Target the 25.8 group the flyer was definitely me , so that powder charge needs revisiting )
