Hi guys, Newbie here. I am looking to reload 223 subsonic. I have bullets from55 to 75 grain. Titegroup and AP70 powder. Anyone with any info on where to start. I have titegroup loads for 77gr 64gr and 55gr
Hi guys, Newbie here. I am looking to reload 223 subsonic. I have bullets from55 to 75 grain. Titegroup and AP70 powder. Anyone with any info on where to start. I have titegroup loads for 77gr 64gr and 55gr
Hi Bob
Belmont Wanganui do make subsonic .223 ammo from time to time
i pulled one apart 55 grain projectile x 4.10 grain Trail Boss powder
what twist rate is your barrel as this will indicate how heavy your pill will be
and if your look with in this forum pages this topic has been covered with good info
Do you intend to hunt with these or is it just plinking fun
cheers to all
Everyone says Trail Boss. But it is easier to find hens teeth now. From what I have read the Winchester XPR in 223 is 1 in 8 twist. Just hunting bunnies but am finding my .22 subs not keeping them down(shooter error). Lots of adapting post stroke. left trigger right eye and right hand support on a monopod. also cheek weld not consistent. I KNOW everything wrong but I HAVE to do something!!!
Practice more with the .22lr more before hunting with it is the answer. Bunnies should be dead on the spot with it. Poor shot placement with a .223 sub won't perform much better, quite likely worse as the projectiles won't expand very well at subsonic speeds whereas the .22lr projectiles will.
You are using hollow point .22lr ammo I assume?
Thanx will do. Yes using hollow subs. May need a better scope. Notice we blame everything else before ourself!!
Don't think you'll do any better with a sub 223 and jacketed projectiles which won't expand on impact compared to a soft lump of lead with a hollow point. Practice with the 22 will I think be better.
I have tried powders Lilgun ,WSF ,AS50N ,, AR 2205 my barrel twist 1: 8 twist and a short bolt action
projectiles range from 45grain HP BEE to 69 grain HTBT
T/Boss is just easy as it fills the case better but one needs to be carful of other powders re double charges // or flash over as there is not enough powder against the primer . Heaver projectile are usually used for subsonic as they have more mass
All good fun but just be careful
If u were in SI could spend a day om range with u m8
The solution ain't the ammo or gun
U need to be shown basics and have someone coach u, 2 hrs and then regular practice
223 sub will be worse than 22lr sub
Harder bullet won't expand , smaller wound channel , bunny runs longer
Sure if u ask someone in NI will help out
I THINK one of my problems is inconsistent cheek weld as I have no feeling in my right side. Even sighting in with a lazer bore sighter I notice a movement. I am VERY mechanically minded and am trying to think of something to give me the same sight picture every time. The next problem is 3 guns to fit it to. Other idea was a lazer sight and just use the scope to check the position of the lazer dot
In this case, suggest checking and confirming the stock 'fit' so that it is the right size and the scope is in the right position. Good fit for a rifle is very important, and very often overlooked. Cheek contact is a factor of stock drop, stock length, pistol grip, cheek pad, recoil pad and cast on or off of the stock centerline. Once that is sorted correctly the next is positioning of the scope for height and eye relief, and setting it up vertical and directly over bore centerline. A scope level to let you know when you are off from holding the rifle vertically would probably help. Once that is sorted the rifle will 'come up' correctly each time, and feel won't come into it too much. Once you have the recipe sorted, you'll probably find you'll want to replicate the fit across each rifle so once from the same stable will probably be the easiest to do this with using the same brand and model of scope.
Getting a forgiving scope with a generous eye box and wide range of eye relief will help too.
Feel is one of the last things that you should go on for shouldering a rifle, as weather (hot/cold), position, clothing, stance, buck fever etc etc all affect your 'feel' at the time.
Anywhere in the head will put them down
Lead pill, whatever you can get 45-50gr or so. Batch weigh the pills to weed out anything weirdly off spec...
As said, trailboss but that's about a year away so next best is Red Dot or similar for bulk (about 70% of TB). You can still double charge with RD but it's more obvious. Be aware such fast powders are dangerous but not like normal rifle loads - the pressure curve is so step you can take the action quickly past safe peak pressure by overcharging with too much powder it burns that quickly. It's very hard to undercharge and cause powder charge related low pressure problems, but you can end up with a pill stuck in the barrel. Do research and you'll find a reasonable amount of info on RD. Bigger cases have a thing called "the Load" for red dot - 13gr of RD powder with a normal-weight pill in a medioum case like a .308 if I recall.
Practice putting the rifle to your shoulder with eyes closed, then open them and check your alignment with the sights adjust if needed and repeat, repeat, repeat. If using a scope be aware that unless it has parallax adjustment at short ranges moving your head even slightly will shift the cross hairs on a target.
Yes I try but with no feeling it is almost impossible to get consistency. Will try a laser sight
Hello BOBNZ, A couple of thoughts:
A fella who I know that lives on a lifestyle block has a similar problem to you, in that he cannot shoulder a rifle. He bought a red dot laser and shoots rabbits at 10 - 50 metre quite effectively without shouldering the rifle.
Second thought, another mate (who is able bodied) purchased a super light, carbon fibre tri-pod off of AliExpress for next to nothing. It's a camera tripod. He then purchased a U fitting which screws onto the top of the tripod and is effective shooting off of that. In his case the purchase was necessitated due to the knee high hay grass making it impossible to shoot off a bi-pod, prone. It works well and might remove some of your mechanical challenges.
Third thought is, 12 gauge shotgun off the hip!!! That removes a lot of the mechanics and guess work! I use my pump gun only about 2% of the time, but for a bit of comic relief try taping a NITECORE MH12S 1800 lumens 1" tube, mounted in an OLIGHHT X-WM03 magnetic bracket, onto the front end of a 12 gauge pump, then MOVE as fast as possible over undulating ground. Every time you come over a rise or round a bush its BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! GREAT FUN! I tape it on with 50mm PVC tape even though the advertising says the magnet will hold on a 12 gauge because one night the magnet let go and the torch went flying! I couldn't find it in the dark, but went back the next day and found it at arms length down a rabbit hole! Rabbit's revenge! (PS: I don't shoot of the hip! I'm not Clint Eastwood or a Cowboy!)