Been sussing a load out for my 300wm using these pills so thought id share. Jared from Blackwatch reloading asked me to test them out etc, so he supplied the gear, hes a bloody top man by the way. Give him a bell to sort ya reloading gear!
Done a quick ladder test yesterday lunchtime then she was all go. Got them going 2910fps so I was happy, 5.5grns over book max got them sorted. With a b.c of .710 they fly and hit bloody well. Tested them out to a km on steel this morning then went for a quick cruise to test them on a fallow.
I shot him behind the shoulder at 500m away from bone to see how it would open up. It opened up and left a golf ball sized hole on far side, then it went about 6inches into the dirt after passing through. Certainly done the damage on him no worries at all, with massive blood loss instantly. Ill do some straight shoulder shots next and I imagine they will be devastating.
Ill be testing on more reds etc over next few days so more info to come.
Cheers, Cam.