Hi all thanks for your input.
I bought some H414 and 95gr SST.
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Hi all thanks for your input.
I bought some H414 and 95gr SST.
good choice on the powder,
I know the SST's work well in the 7mm calibres, but never had any experience with them in 243.
Personally I think the other 85-87gr bullets listed preciously are more reliable in the 243.
85gr gameking, 87gr Hornady or berger hunting.
Still just now buy what you can find as they may not be there next week.
Mmm interesting
I will need some powder for the 243 and the 303.
If 760 is much of a muchness with 2209 this will be handy
I use Belmont Win 760 and am probably going to switch to magnum primers. 95 grain targex bullet usually. haven't finished load development but the little I've done was very promising.
42gr of AR2209 behind 90gr ELD-X is hard to beat from 5-400m
If I ever get my shit together I'll hold you to that
Great offer @gadgetman @257weatherby Targex projectiles start with Berger jackets sort of so have you tried them or much the same?