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Thread: 25/06 powder selections

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  1. #1
    Member Tertle's Avatar
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    25/06 powder selections

    So have a couple of hundred cases to anneal, prep and sort tonight, have a couple hundred 90gr Sierra gameking projectiles, a box of Swift Scirocco II still to play with.

    The rifle is a Ruger M77 that was trued up by Harvey Westland many many moons ago, it then was suppressed by Robbie and in doing so had the barrel reduced to just a tad over 20 inches.

    Looking through the Sierra load data that the hunting load is the Viht N150 @49.2 giving 3500 which is great, given i would expect to achieve less, but is no use to me for say the 100 or should i look to go to the 117gr / 120gr range

    However IMR4831 has a bit off application over a wider range of projectiles, has anyone else used this as a go to for the 25/06 over a number of projectile weights?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I found the light Sierras flew to bits and caused flesh wounds on big game. IMR4831 is a good choice with light projectiles. The 110 AB is the best big game bullet I have used. 4831 would be ok with heavier bullets but other slower powders would be better.

  3. #3
    Bos is offline
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    Personally Id go a heavier projectile with a high BC, and a slower powder
    Like 130 - 140 Gr and 2217/ Reloder 22

  4. #4
    Member Tertle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bos View Post
    Personally Id go a heavier projectile with a high BC, and a slower powder
    Like 130 - 140 Gr and 2217/ Reloder 22
    sorry probably didn't make it clear, ive just under 200 90gr HPBT Gamekings and just under 100 Bonded 100gr Scirocco's with a shortened barrel, 4 inches shorter, with a 1/10 twist so im trying to make it work with what i have. also can you tell me what brand your using and your rate of twist on your rifle to help stabilise those rounds?

    @Moa Hunter thanks the 90gr would not be for what i would call big game, but i did see that sierra did give their "hunting load" with IMR 4831 achieving 3100 in the 117 - 120 range?

  5. #5
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    I use Reloader 22 56 grs 120 speer btsp (about the best for BC) in 21.5" barrel. Does around the 3000fps at reasonable pressures.

  6. #6
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    big pills (110 - 120gn) and slow burn powders (2217, RL22,23 or 25, N560 etc) are the way to go with the 1/4 bore on bigger game.

  7. #7
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    I wouldn't use the sierra 117's if that is what you were thinking. If you already have the IMR 4831 and a short barrel then staying with the 100gr scirocco projectiles or a Barnes would be the best option.
    The guys getting really high velocity in 2506 use 26" barrels and slower powder like N560 and RL22.
    Brian likes this.

  8. #8
    Member Tertle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    I wouldn't use the sierra 117's if that is what you were thinking. If you already have the IMR 4831 and a short barrel then staying with the 100gr scirocco projectiles or a Barnes would be the best option.
    The guys getting really high velocity in 2506 use 26" barrels and slower powder like N560 and RL22.
    @Moa Hunter yeah i think i am rather limited in going heavy given the reduction in barrel length, (regretting that modification a tad, but still) and yes i was thinking of barnes later, but i would be curious what @Bundook are you able to achieve in accuracy, i don't need cloverleaf (happy to achieve though!) but i would like to place shots where i would like them to go!

  9. #9
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    I get fantastic groups but I shoot a Blaser R93 and its boring to develop loads for my barrels (25-06 and 8x57) as they both shoot so good. A good problem to have .

  10. #10
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    AR2213sc works just great... same rifle as yours... still working on accuracy
    use your 100grn for big game and keep your 90s for everything else.
    we decided after much head scratching to just use factory 117 grn federal for deer...and reload for everything else.... cant see an issue with that choice yet.
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  11. #11
    sneakywaza I got
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    Now that you have fucked a perfectly good 25/06 by making it a shortarse, pop the barrel back off and turn it into a .257 Roberts, you get similar performance, use less powder, get rid of some recoil and a shitload of noise - no downside really.

    I love 25/06, in a 24" barrel...........

  12. #12
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    thought for the day........ we have seen huge amount of barrels chopped in last few years...and folks are starting to question wisdom of doing so....I wonder if circumcision's will undergo same critique ????
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  13. #13
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    thought for the day........ we have seen huge amount of barrels chopped in last few years...and folks are starting to question wisdom of doing so....I wonder if circumcision's will undergo same critique ????
    @Micky Duck - Not letting you stand anywhere close to me ever again, the trust is gone...... keep your hands where I can see em bud! Fitting a metal detector in my gate now........
    Boaraxa and Micky Duck like this.

  14. #14
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    I've been a great believer in long case, long barrel particularly in 'overbore' cartridges like 2506, 270, 257 Weatherby etc. The 308 case is great for chopping but 20 inch 2506, 270's etc i dont get it.
    muzr257 likes this.

  15. #15
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nor-west View Post
    I've been a great believer in long case, long barrel particularly in 'overbore' cartridges like 2506, 270, 257 Weatherby etc. The 308 case is great for chopping but 20 inch 2506, 270's etc i dont get it.
    in the 80s and early 90s the manufactures were MAKING them that length.....eg my model 70 lightweight poohseventy left factory at 21" as did many many others.... heck fellas on this forum are chopping magnums..... funny really...or not depending how you look at it... gunsmiths and chop shops will be rubbing their hands together,they get $$$$$ anywhich way you alter rifle...and possibly 2nd suck of tit when it onsells and new owner wants to change it again.



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