[QUOTE=Jaco Goosen;1554202]Just finished a beautiful 25 Creedmoor for another forum member, and have some more lined up. the 25s taken off in a big way. I belief we will be seeing s lot on 25cal in the near future. A good mate has been shooting a 25-06 since forever, I've always been of the opinion that a 25/08 Improved would have been a better option since a short action could be used.
One of the top shooters from Namibia has been shooting a 25 Koevoet(25/08 Imp) and it left an lifelong impression on me - even though I'm a died in the wool 6mm shooter.
I've been between fires - 25/08 Improved or Creedmoor??? The shorted case of the Creedmoor does make a lot of sense.....and then I learned about the existence of the 25GT!
So many calibres, so little time[/QUOTE]
Amen to that