After a fare bit of experimentation I found that H414 worked the best in my 260, 120 to 140 projos
After a fare bit of experimentation I found that H414 worked the best in my 260, 120 to 140 projos
Stay off the ridgeline.
The only good assumption is to assume that movement, shape, colour, sound, is always human. Follow this rule and identify your target.
When I was building my 260 Imp, I researched a lot about suitable powders and picked W760 as being favourable, so I bought a tub of it. Then some bugger mentioned RL17 and yes it gives great velocity but I've shagged some cases proving it. Guess I should dust that 760 off and try it aye![]()
Good. I've always said that the 6.5 can be a slow killer 380 odd yards plus, but mostly get rebutted. I've shot hundreds of deer and tahr with my 6.5 at 2800fps and this is what I've observed. I've shot tahr at 500 with it but hell, you have to be careful and experienced. But out to 350 or so it's hard to beat. If you want to shoot animals at a calibers upper margin you should instead step up in power to something with more oomph.
To be fair there is still bugger all info on the improved version. Barrels aside there are a lot of extreme/bullshit claims in the velocity department imho.
I searched heaps as well when I first got it and tried everything (OCD).
Yup. Best velocities came from 17 but you just couldn't get it when needed.
2209/4350 were reliable and accurate but pretty pedestrian in my barrel.
I can't remember who, but someone on here suggested to try W760 and I did. Havent looked back.
I still use 2209 for 140 class and up but rarely shoot them now apart from a bit of steel.
Cheap and dirty old Hornady 129 interlock is as accurate and deadly in close and far out as I need it to be. Barrel has had a few rounds down it now and going well.
Looking to get a 7mm barrel of some description done for steel and so I can take my own rifle on a moose hunt overseas. Unless KJ lends me his 7mag barrel
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
You have no chance.
He used to sing how gay Poo43's and Poo70's were when he was in his booster seat in the truck 10 yrs ago.
He also chose what caliber he would get if he bought his own rifle. Proud to say my boy is not gay
I have no idea who taught him such things at such a young age
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
I reckon Im in with a chance. Given the prize at the end it'll be worth a crack.
Iv rasied teenagers, they tend to rebel against parents a little.
Just a slopy retrobate
@dnsn before you go the route of resizing your brass from .308 to .260 ( which isnt difficult )
Keep a couple of things in mind.
If your getting a new chamber reamed then it could have close tolerances, this will be a problem with repurposed brass as it could have thicker neck walls.
So when you add your projectile into the case mouth, the total width will be too great and the loaded ammunition wont chamber.
You can over come this by neck turning the case neck walls down a little thinner.
If you dont have a neck turner it will cost you a bit to buy one, so the "cheap" .308 brass just got dearer.
It may have the same burn rate on the books but it certainly does not perform the same in my rifle for the same weight charge.
I get 2980fps with 760 and the 129 interlock with half a grain less than the 2940ish I got with the same projectile and 2209
Case life is also already better.
Haven't changed primer or seating depth so it must be a how. Not a how fast it burns thing.
The 123 Amax has an even bigger speed gain using 760 over 2209.
Accuracy with both powders is roughly the same.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.