What are people using? Just looking into non reloading options. Anyone in Auckland have stuff? Could buy a couple of rounds to try.
What are people using? Just looking into non reloading options. Anyone in Auckland have stuff? Could buy a couple of rounds to try.
When I first got my 260 I got a box of Hornady 129sst ammo, shot well and smacked deer down
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
Yeah like that but nearly $80 a box for what is a cheap bullet and not top quality brass. Bet it works ok though
@superdiver $80! That is getting ripped https://www.gunworks.co.nz/shop/category/260-remington
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
I don't think I've ever seen 260 ammo on the shelf.
Have always just reloaded for mine.
260 ammo is 2-3x the price of most other factory chambering. Easily 2x that of magnums too.
My 260 came with a box of rem corloks...80 bucks a box!!! thats just plain Jane soft points. No premium projectile, heck not even a run of the mill BT either.
Supply and demand i guess.
Hornady factory 129 SST was pretty cheap for a while but i think that was discontinued or something along those lines.
Belmont did a 129 SST load but its been out of stock for a while, was reasonably priced too. Maybe call them and see if they will be making any more 260 ammo?
Reason I said Auckland is because I am not going through the rigmarole of ridiculous paperwork for a box of ammo. @Nugget connaisseur they only do a softpoint now(assume interlocks) and price is up to $60 so even they are overpriced now
Was hoping to try the 129sst as huntshop in whakatane sells a 3 pack for 180~ so would be tempted to buy them if they shot fine
Some of them already shoot with hornady heavies so you'd be good to just roll with full length resized brass, a normal charge minus say 10% for safety and the projectiles/primer they already have in bulk. Could cost you a lot less
Might be worth asking a club member who reloads for a CM if he would make you up some reloads. A box of beer is still good currency
i have a 260 and hand load for it. If you want factory ammo buy a 6.5cm. the factory ammo will be faster better and cheaper.