@Bernie, you will probably need to drop test this load to get it properly tuned to the ballistics apps.
With the 143gr ELD-X mine is 42.4gr AR2209 from a 24" barrel, the chronograph says 2,725fps. First hunt with it, I was shooting just over the top of small goats at 400m+. So I checked the ballistics with a drop test, the data and trajectory validation at 300,400,500m consistently said 2,800fps.
So I used 2,800fps instead as the MV, went back out and no goat was safe. Just dropped 'em one after the other. It doesn't matter which ballistics model I use, they are all bang on now with this adjusted MV, dialling up anywhere between 150-700m.
I haven't cross checked my chrono yet, but couple of weeks ago it was measuring subsonic loads perfectly because just below the sound barrier as measured, the rounds stopped making the crack sound.
So I haven't actually worked out what's going on. It can't be BC, cos to get that kind of improvement it would have to be like 0.9+.
Good practice to do the drops test. Always fine tunes the ballistics model very close to perfection.