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Thread: 270wsm rl26 145g eldx my experience

  1. #1
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    May 2018
    Oxford, North Canterbury

    270wsm rl26 145g eldx my experience

    Hey team, this is not a how to or a cry for help just want to share my experience with developing a load for my Sako A7 270wsm.
    I bought the rifle in good second hand condition and it came with load data for 130g ssts that were laser accurate and plenty fast at 3200fps.
    I'm not a fan of them so set about developing a load with 145g eldx, which I had great success with in my 270win. I spoke to a good mate of mine who also shoots 270wsm with 145g eldx and was swayed by his results with RL26.
    He was getting laser accuracy and a blistering 3300fps, granted in a custom built rifle with a longer barrel.
    Been Upto likes this.

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    watching with interest.....

  3. #3
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    What are you aiming for?

  4. #4
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    What are you aiming for?
    The middle bit
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  5. #5
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    So after spending a bit of time trying to source the unicorn dust that is RL26 and then finding a way to get it half way down the south island, I was finally ready to start some test loads.
    I harrased a few good buggers with vastly more experience than me about where I should start with my ladder and settled on.
    64.5 - 67.5 going up in .5gn increments
    I shot 2 at each load and got some great grouping but nowhere near the speed I hoped/expected and no pressure signs.
    So I went home and made another ladder from 68gn-69.5gn again in .5gn increments.
    Went back to the range and set about firing off the rest checking carefully for pressure as I was now getting up above book max.
    I hit pressure at 69gn and topped out at 3250fps with that load but it and the 3 loads below it didn't group well.... Even with only 2 rounds per load.
    I got so caught up worrying about speed I forgot that I wanted a laser accurate load good out to 600 yards.
    I was so focused on trying to justify the hotter faster loads and how I could improve or justify their lack of consistency that I nearly convinced myself to overlook my lower speed loads that were laser accurate and speed consistent.
    I am now at the stage where I'm going to make up 6 rounds from the 2 loads that gave the best accuracy and most consistent speed.
    1 load at 3030fps average
    Name:  IMG_20190729_114411.jpg
Views: 656
Size:  1.38 MB
    1 load at 3060fps average
    Name:  IMG_20190729_114421.jpg
Views: 675
Size:  1.73 MB

    This is where I hit pressure at 69gn
    Name:  IMG_20190729_143811.jpg
Views: 708
Size:  1.84 MB

    The 2 above groups were at 65.5gn and 66.5gn and only 2 shots but both showed speed variations of less than 15fps, so back to the range tomorrow to do a couple 3 shot groups with both these loads to check accuracy and get more speed data.
    Whilst 3300fps would've been nice even at 3030fps it's more than enough to get me out to 600yards. Moral to the story don't get caught up chasing speed.....

  6. #6
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    What are you aiming for?
    I was hoping for accuracy and around 3200ish fps but I got too caught up worrying about the speed. Accuracy is way more important at the ranges I want to shoot at and I can adjust my drop charts accordingly.
    I was a little frustrated that my wsm load is only around 100fps faster than my old 270win load but in hindsight the wsm is doing it with a very mild load and the win was certainly getting up there towards a warm load.
    Last edited by dannyb; 29-07-2019 at 09:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    so now I HAVE to ask....what speed were you getting with std .270 and that projectile???

  8. #8
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    ok just answered it in crisscrossed postings..2900ish...not shabby for std case which you could as you say just adapt drop chart a little for....

  9. #9
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    ok just answered it in crisscrossed postings..2900ish...not shabby for std case which you could as you say just adapt drop chart a little for....
    Was getting 2930fps with the same 145gn eldx using 2213sc powder in my 270win
    Micky Duck likes this.

  10. #10
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Might try adi 2225 at some stage but if this rl26 load proves accurate and consistent it wont be for a while

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Interesting, I would have thought RL 26 would have done better in the accuracy department. Have you any Superformance to try ? It should work as I would presume AR 2213 SC will work in the 270 WSM so Superformance sits at a similar burn rate. Just be aware that Superformance is a bit more temp sensitive than ADI stuff. I still can't believe the velocity my 270 win gets with Superformance, I have chrono the load a couple of times and they still run at around the 3130 fps.
    Like you said speed isn't everything but accuracy is so it's not a major problem to have to dial on a few extra clicks for the long shots.
    dannyb likes this.

  12. #12
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    I'll play with other powders if rl26 continues to be difficult to obtain, was thinking 2213sc and 2225 would be ok haven't tried superformance either but would give it a nudge too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    It's worth a try you may get accuracy and speed. AR 2217 might be ok too.
    dannyb likes this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    My most accurate load in my 270wsm with 145eldx is 69.5 grns 2215. 3140fps from 22" barrel. Grouped very well.

    R26 works best for me with 127grn LRX Barnes. 3270fps from 22" barrel. Fantastically accurate. This has been my hunting load but they don't leave much of a blood trail which I like.

    Am currently fiddling with R19 (which is available) and 130 grn Federal trophy bonded tipped. 3330fps. Have to accuracy test them properly. Am thinking that they might expand a bit better than the LRX but will see.
    nor-west likes this.

  15. #15
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    So I've hit a wee snag, I bought once fired factory Norma brass off a mate, I full length sized them then prepped them, primed them and loaded my ladder in them.
    I noticed when I was at the range the bolt was very hard to close on them.
    I thought maybe just tight cause they are in theory fire formed to someone else's chamber.
    So when I went to do some more testing I thought I'd full length size them again and check case dimensions because even though it's only twice fired it's worth eliminating the easy stuff.
    I checked with an empty full length sized case and nope still tight as fuck.
    Measured the cases and they are well within spec, so I coloured one in with vivid to see if it marked anywhere when chambered, there is a small mark on the shoulder but not as much as I would expect given how tight it is to try and close the bolt.
    I'm putting off any further load development until this is sorted.
    I also checked the reloads that came with it when I bought it, most of the brass looks pretty well used and I won't be using it but they were a bit hit and miss some chambered easily/some didn't.
    I found an older fired case and measured it up and it was below minimum case length and it chambered fine.
    I have never tried any factory ammo in this rifle so can't comment on that, suffice to say its going to gunworks tomorrow to check head space.
    I will also point out that the chamber was thoroughly cleaned in case there was grit or build up on the lugs and chamber.
    Keen to hear any predictions on what caused this ???
    It really seems like the chamber is too small.



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