Seems both shoot reasonably well at 2800ish fps.
For hunting say to 600 yards are there views on how well LRABs will go in comparison?
Seems both shoot reasonably well at 2800ish fps.
For hunting say to 600 yards are there views on how well LRABs will go in comparison?
I have been impressed with the 180eldm on game so far
Watching with interest. About to go hunting for 10 days down south & taking my 284, running 180 ELDMS at 2700fps (22in bbl). Quite a mild load but very accurate & still holds 1800fps out to 950yds. Not that I’d engage animals at that distance. Doing 2100fps at 600. I’ve got a bush load for up close stuff as I’m not sure if ELDMs might be a bit too frangible under 100yd? That’s where the LRAb might have an advantage.
Plenty of reports of guys running 180 ELDMS out of SAUM, 284 or 280ai with good success. All these 7mms are much of a much when it comes to ballistic performance.
Previously I’ve been running 162 AMAX or ELDMs . This will be first outing for 284 with 180s
Is there any real gain in going to 180 over a 162 in the 280AI? I'm curious.
I’ve been using the 162 for years. I used to load an Accubond for close stuff but find the AMAX does the job just as well if not better. I’ve never experienced one of these blow ups.
@chainsaw iv shot deer sub 30 yards leaving the barrel at 2930 with no issue 180 eldm I am a huge fan of lrab though one of the best iv used so far have only used 150 in 708 am very tempted to try the 175
I’ve read within 300y the LRABs behave more like BT’s - which is no bad thing.
I've used alot of 162eldms, 180eldm and 168lrab
The benefit of the 180 is when shooting them out of a magnum at 3000fps plus that they still work well due to extra mass at short range
The 168 lrab cannot be faulted if your rifle likes them. Although they hold together due to being bonded they still have exceptional killing prowess at long range on thin skin animals which is very impressive. Furtherest clean/instant kill was 940 yards on a nanny goat. And yet devastating on big angry stags
162 eldm i would imagine would be the best all rounder at say 2900 fps give or take. Very reliable and repeatable results on all size game.
I wouldn't imagine the wind drift would be a big difference between any of these pills at 600 yards.
A mate shot a good size wap in Fiordland last year with his kimber in 280AI with a 162 eldx at 600m +ish. The thing took a few steps and died .
His mate with a 300NM did not do much better on the bull that was on the same slope a few dozen meters further.