Greetings @LJPRMC,
I don't doubt for a minute that you got the same velocity for the same charge but the soft, medium and hard loads given were all at the same pressure. Use the soft charge with the medium projectile and the pressure will be borderline hot. Use the soft charge with a hard projectile and the pressure will be over max. Add another grain and, you know what I am going to say.
You may think that I am rejecting the statements on the web site out of hand. Over the years I have seen far too many claims made for magic projectiles, cartridges and rifles and only tend to believe the claims when they are backed by hard pressure tested data, something that Hammer has failed to provide. Their statements are vague, lacking in substance and above all proof.
I went out to the shed and measured one of the 139 grain Hornady Interlock projectiles that the soft data is based on. It was 28.7mm in length the same weight SST was 32.4mm. I would expect the 140 grain Hammer to be longer still. Your M700 mag is limited in length so you wind up seating all the projectiles to the same length. The extra projectile length has to go somewhere and that is down into the case. This raises pressure and is one of the reasons that Barnes recommended dropping a projectile weight with their projectiles.
Regards Grandpamac.