Hey team. The 284Win is getting a pretty healthy following now and I too have jumped on the band wagon and am on the hunt for ideas for reloading.
I have had a Shillen 1:9 @20" screwed onto my old 7-08 Blaser by Tracey Short at DED. I'm very happy with the job they did and would recommend him to anyone looking at options with a R93 barrel change.
I'm now looking at what to chuck out the end of it. I was thinking either the 150 or 162 ELD-X would be a versatile pill to use or maybe the Sierra 165 Gamechanger. I have also had repeated success with the NBT so a 150 may also be a good choice?
Powder wise RL17 and RL16 are regular choices for speed freaks but I'm on the fence with Reloader powders for both availability, price and barrel life. I'm an ADI fan so was leaning to AR2213SC? H414 (Win760?) & Win780 also get a mention plus I have a decent supply of N160.
Primers? I'm picking LR primers are the go? Maybe Magnums with ball powders? I've CCI BR2 & Fed210 Match.
I've bought a bag of Peterson brass (because I've not tried it more than anything) and just can't be arsed with necking up Lapua 6.5 or fucking around with neck donuts.
I don't know the neck diameter the chamber was cut but it was no-turn & I'm taking his word it won't be stupid oversize. I can pretty much get any mag size I care for as the Blaser magazine is very easy to lengthen.
Open to ideas and suggestions