I'm loading 30-06 for the first time. Starline brass, 4 unfired, rest once fired. All annealed and decapped. Set out to FL size.
Using earlier Hdy 2 die set, prob more than 30 yrs old, seem to be in excellent nick. Noticed the internal neck sizing button was graunching some on the pull thru as ram lowered on upstroke. Cases are lubed with brush inside neck and Lee Resizing Lubricant, as I've done for years now. After the first few I noticed brass shavings around the press close to the ram. Mmm...next case graunched quite badly, pulled die apart, lo there's brass shavings sitting on top of the button - see photo. Back edge of button is sharpish, has a slight chamfer, looks factory. Nothing looks like Bubba has played. But then I'm more familiar with Lee dies which have a slow taper at back of button, no edge as such.
I'm thinking a little polish with Flitz paste. Or maybe just abandon the button altogether as some advocate.
Wanting to shoot it tomorrow
And while I'm at it, I have AR2206H, AR2208 and AR2209 on hand. Also RL19. 150gn Hdy Interlocks. Load choices?