Late last year I tested some 300 Rum brass, trying to find "better" brass for the 338 Edge.
I got some Federal, old Remington, new Remington, Bertram, Nosler & Norma.
It was interesting.
The Federal was the smallest in diameter & the Bertram was the largest, therefore had less to grow to fit the chamber.
The Federal "lost" its primer pocket first & the Bertram last, The Bertram was showing bad pressure signs before the primer pockets got loose.
The Nosler/Norma was second softest after the Federal, then the Bertram, then the Remington.
I decided that I would continue to use the Remington over the Bertram & wasn't interested in using the Nosler/Norma even though it is very nice brass with thick necks great for turning, but price & primer pocket longevity were against it.
The Nosler/Norma is the same brass in this case, the same weight, diameter, neck thickness, capacity & head section.
It looks from the sectioned cases that the Norma 300 Rum brass has the same head structure/design as the New Blaser Magnum cases.
This makes sense as Norma can use the same tooling to make both.