MattyR The archaic system on the forum cut off part of my post, when l tried to add some info ,so here is some more important points ,for you to consider on bullet choice at longer ranges for hunting .
The 300's work best in the field with 180grn weight Bullets & up, as they are the most capable of handling the speeds the caliber is capable of making & it was really after development of "new" bullet design's like the controlled expansions, we now take for granted, that there popularity had a resurgence .The difference between hunting & punching paper, is you need to use bullets that not only shoot accurately in your rifle, but are capable of cleaning taking animals by reliably being able to punch through bones & flesh to reach the vitals at various angles for a quick kill.
With light for caliber bullets in the 300's like for example the 150gn's which can be launched easily at speeds around 3300fps & so shoot very flat & is mild to shoot, but it has major problems when used for hunting, in that its Ballistic Coefficient (BC), (which is a important factor to take into account for hunting , especially if looking at shooting longer distances), is less than the 130gn .270, which causes its retained energy & effectiveness on flesh & bone to drop right off by the time it reaches the 350 mtr /400 yd mark.
The 160/165gn's suffer a similar fate ,so that even though they start out 100plus fps faster than the 180 grn's , there is so little difference in drop by the time it reaches around the 350 metre/400 yard mark , that you'd never notice it in the field . Also, the 165gn delivers around 200 ft/lbs less energy at the 350 mtr /400 yd mark than the 180gn., because of its lack of sectional density - .247 against .271 ,from memory .
The use of a well designed 180gn spitzer type hunting bullet ,in a controlled expansion design, gives the all important deep penetration & performance needed for hunting at longer ranges & is still the bench mark for the .300 Win. Mag & its bigger cousins for hunting .
The .300's are still one of the great long range hunting rounds IMO, that over a couple of decades l not only took a lot of game with ,but watched a lot of clients use as well .It's performance in the field when used with the proper bullet choice is a great combination of power & penetration ,but is still able to be handled easily by the average hunter.
Hope the info helps
