300 wsm 175 siera match king any good on deer? my mate found the new 210 match kings not as good on animals as he would have liked. has any one had experience shooting deer with these projectiles? close or far away. cheers
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300 wsm 175 siera match king any good on deer? my mate found the new 210 match kings not as good on animals as he would have liked. has any one had experience shooting deer with these projectiles? close or far away. cheers
The 168 smk worked allright in my 308 but ended up using the 165 gamekings hunting bullet for hunting, rarely have complaints out to 500 yards. It all boils down to bullet placement in the end though.
Hey mate I use these projectiles in a short barrel .308. Muzzle velocity is only 2400 however I find them still effective out at 330m which is the max range I have used it on deer. Have found them adequate on maybe 20 deer from yearlings to stags with follow up shots only required due to poor shot placement. They can be quite messy and often find that the projectile will fragment inside the animal so I'd say they would be even more so at 300wsm velocities...
I used 190 Berger hunting Cld in the wsm to good effect. Shot about 100 deer with them. All were bang flop providing it was engine room, head or neck.
175 SMK in the 308 didn't go that well so didn't try them in the wsm.
Good luck
Tell Marcus to get a 7mm08 bro ;)