Gave these a try in my Tikka 20 inch 300 wsm seated to fit Mag 72.8mm and was very pleasantly surprised.
Anyone using these on deer, just wanted to know how they go on game at various ranges before I load a few up to try.
Gave these a try in my Tikka 20 inch 300 wsm seated to fit Mag 72.8mm and was very pleasantly surprised.
Anyone using these on deer, just wanted to know how they go on game at various ranges before I load a few up to try.
I have been using them for a couple of years on deer
300 wsm 290p fps
Very good on deer
Have taken 30 plus with them at 50 to 650 m
No issues
RL 19 68.5 grains = 2900
They open up pretty well and i think they are good for 700m on deer
As they will still expand at the terminal velocity.
But i wouldn't use them on bull tahr as i think they are to soft for a bulls shoulder
I use the 185gn. Similar results. Only shot deer and tahr out to 360 so far. Targets to 900. Very consistent.
[QUOTE=Sako85; they grouped so well I didnt try more powder.
Cheers for the Info[/QUOTE]
When I worked up my load I started low and worked up to well above the 2900 fps but started getting some pressure signs.
The most interesting thing was that there was 350 fps between the starting load and the over pressure load and every shot went into a single 25mm group despite the velocity spread
It was so accurate and consistent that once I found the pressure and dropped back 0.5 grains I started doing accuracy testing and at 2900 fps it shoots 8mm groups.
End of testing
Load 50 rounds and go and shoot a heap of deer.
Then I changed to Bertram brass and thought I should test it all again.
But the same load and seating dept shot to the exact same poa and 8mm groups.
How was recoil? Much different from 178. Guess it doesn't really matter for a hunting rifle, but just out of interest.