14x1 on mine. Recommended by Max.
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14x1 on mine. Recommended by Max.
In terms of load I am also shooting the 178gr with 62gr RL17, I haven't done any load development and this is the only 3 shot group I have shot with it.
Win brass, Fed 210 primers and 72.5 coal
Haven't chronographed but estimate velocity 2840fps
Planning on working up the load further to see if I can get a bit more speed out of it
Been down the path of exotic powders, now just use adi, 20in bbl 2920fps with 2209, not as quick as the exotic stuff but pretty bloody close
so FINALLY got to the local and shot me banger first time! yipee!
RL17, Hornady brass new, 178 eldx.Seated 2mm ish off lands,24 braked barrel.2 shots ea charge averaged and then velocity spread between the 2 shots
61.5 2883 19
61.7 2907 7
62 2930 13
62.2 2935 7
62.5 2968 7
62.7 2949 26
63 2992 7
63.2 2986 34
63.5 2993 21
62 and 63 seems to give less spread-shoulda loaded up to the 66 max= next time.
Muffs AND plugs def required for a brake.
Roll on suppressor time.
Didnt shoot groups for the sake of shooting groups- cos if i did I'm only concerned with groups at 300-400 and I tend to zero- get a few inside an inch or so at 100m and go hunting.
26 shots thru same hole (@25m)
Attachment 141359
Attachment 141360
Attachment 141361
also should mention- shout out to Mitch Maxbury- i went to see him a couplee weeks ago with me rings screw problem- turns out it was not a thing- he sorted it in like 6 minutes- what a great dude!
Pretty sure @Smiddy uses the 178 in a 20" (?) T3 300wsm
Just got mine sorted and validated out to 400 yesterday. 175vld with 63 grains of 2209 behind it, so just under 1 grain below book max. 22" barrel getting just over 2800fps. Plenty of energy out a long way for me and half moa at 400. Easy on brass aswel.
I get 2948 with 175gn Federal TLR projectiles in my Kimber which has had the barrel cut to 20 inches to make it sme length as factory barrel but with suppressor fitted.
Balances better than left at 24 + Suppressor
Got some RL17 to try but for now H414 is working real good.
I my yet go to the 200gn bullets. I am only interested in shooting things @ 400m or less and the "less" the better, less room for muppetry factor.
Hyb100V 180 gn Berger EH VLDs doing 3030 fps out 22in bbl.
also- the Alpine Precision Hawkins LR Hybrid rings with little bubble level in them are fkn mint! When i mounted them, then the vx5, and went to sight in- the first shots at 25m were high but vertically on. That says to me maybe the machining and hole drillign of these rings is done right- I dunno- maybe a fluke, but a welcome surprise.
Tikka T3x 300WSM 22inch barrel suppressed, 178 ELDM 64gns (so far) RL17 20 thou jump. Going to try in .3 gns jumps either side to see if I can get it better.
Attachment 213908