It's really not that complicated. Ask someone how to set up your dies for neck sizing, and do that until they are stiff to close the bolt on and then full length size. Its really not a big deal.
Just get some Lee RGB dies, they are cheap and work, and a lee single stage press. You will need a shellholder to fit them into in your press. (The Lee one is the number 5) Order from Gunworks Christchurch.
You cant use your military brass, so you have to reload commercial brass. Use PPU.
For powders use either AR2208 or AR2209. Which ever you can find to buy in a shop.
But some pulled Greek FMjs from GUn City, or buy some Hornady 174 grain FMJ from Gun Works in Christchurch.
Large rifle primers, are the ones to buy, any brand you can find in the shop, there is a shortage of them.
You will need some lube for when you resize the cases.
You will need a micrometer measurer, so you can measure the length of your cases and the overall length of your cartridges.
Thats all you need.
If you buy a Lee kit, that you hit case into the die with a hammer, you only need brass, primers, powder and bullets. I started out on reloadng with them. They work well, but you have to find the kit because they dont make them anymore.
AS for actually doing it with a press, if you can find someone to show you how, they can show you in ten minutes. Its not rocket science. Or you can watch youtube videos and ask questions on here.