Gonna load up for 308 inside 200. Mostly for Sika. Anyone used 135g Balistic tips in 308?
Gonna load up for 308 inside 200. Mostly for Sika. Anyone used 135g Balistic tips in 308?
If inside 200 have a look at the Speer 130 hollow point.
Used it exclusively when I carted a .308
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Not from memory. Had them going quite fast as well. 3050ish iirc out of a 22inch barrel. Those speeds were over a shooting chrony when I had one, so may not be that precise by today's standards. They were pretty accurate as well.
Think I still have some if you want a few to test.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Used 130 g SPs from reloaded milsurp ammo....dynamite ..
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try 150 corelokt cheap but deadly under 300m.
165 gn Speer BTSP are cheap and effective.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Used 125gr nosler BT for a while, seemed to kill well.
Ahhh the beauty of a 308 so versatile
Barnes 130ttsx is my 0-400 load, I've used the exact same load in three .308's and all shot very well
The Barnes 130gr is a versatile bullet. Expensive but very good, I've also found it to be pretty accurate. Should shoot pretty flat out to 300.
I loved the 165gr Hornady SP. A plain Jane bullet, but accurate in all rifles I've tried it in and very good for everything out to 250. Will kill out further of course but you will need to compensate for bullet drop. Can be relied upon to kill anything in NZ, basically this is traditional .308 performance and a very cheap bullet too.
gamekings mate hit like thors hammer
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