Sorry I’m sure this has been done to death. Pet .308 loads out of a 16 1/2 “ barrel ? Thinking I will
Use 180gn pills of some variety.
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Sorry I’m sure this has been done to death. Pet .308 loads out of a 16 1/2 “ barrel ? Thinking I will
Use 180gn pills of some variety.
I'm running the following;
Kimber Hunter and Savage Lightweight Hunter both 16" barrels.
Sierra Gamekings 150grn.
AR2208 46.5gr
CBTO 2.172"
2735 FPS.
Not sure you're going to gain much in terms of stopping power going to a heavier projectile.
hornady 180grn round nose are lovely and soft.... I just went two grains below max of powder and went n shot stuff deader than dead thing. terminal preformance was outstanding.
Consider using 3030 projectiles, or as said above a nice round nosed one, If they feed properly. Honestly a spitzer style bullet offers no real advantage at ranges out to 300 or so metres, the difference in trajectory between the more streamlined bullet and the round nose is negligible. You'll probably be dialling anyway at that distance.
150g corlokts 43g 2206h,110g Barnes 45g 2206h as lighter option with less recoil for my boy..both kill well at bush ranges.
I used 150gr sst factory superformance in my 16 inch kimber for years and they just worked on everything from right up close to 400 yards. I think they were going about 2750fps. I’d imagine the 150gr bt would go just as good.
If you want to try something light go the 130ttsx. Have this zeroed at 200m and 165g sst zeroed at 100m for the longer shots.
Running 130ttsx at 2950 with h335 out of 16.5 inch barrel.
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150Gr Nosler ballistic tips and 44Gr 2208 gives me 1" groups at 100m in my single shot .308. I should be able to get better with a bit more development but have no spare brass at the moment
The 150 sst never shot well in my kimber :-( all right for stuff within 50 m( I shot a sow at 25m with them) but at 100m it was up to 2.5” group.
The 168gr sierra match kings on the other hand are grouping from 1/2 moa to 1/4 moa and I have killed close to 10 deer with them and not lost anything yet.
I'm going to shoot 150gr BT using 2206h in my 16" jobbie. Got everything to get started, except free time.
Aiming for 2725-2750fps.
Hodgdon lists loads and velocities for a 15 inch .308 in their pistol section.
I just use 165gr hornady BTSP out of 18inch for the the bush going not very fast and they nothing walks away.
168 amax 42 gns of 2206h is my go to was initially done as a reduced load for a friends kids but it shoots so well we didn’t bother doing full noise loads again
CFE223 is a great powder in 308 if you're looking for speed. Even with a 168g its capable of 2800fps (as far as Sierra manual suggests) with 47.0g.
It doesn't matter if a Bush Pig is a sub 150m rifle (most of the time a lot closer)
pick the powder something less popular is always good as you can always get it
popular powders sell out fast don't overthink it
pick the bullet as @Makros says the 150-game king is a fantastic option I've seen his rifles in action
but any good soft point from 130-180 will do fine doesn't matter what
load at book max for the given powder and zero the rifle
if it shoots 2moa or better at 100 your golden
speed also doesn't matter 2700 isn't going to kill it any more than 2300 or even less
People tend to overthink hunting loads a lot. The fact is it doesn't need to be a sub moa rifle with blistering speed to shoot an animal for the table unless your shooting long range but you're not doing that with a 16"308
Nice temp stable powder, 2208 or 2206H are ok but the comment about availability is fair. Having said that, all components are getting skinny on the ground to unobtanium from time to time, so running the popular ones generally means that someone somewhere has some to spare to tide you over the gap...
Some of the 150gr pills can be a little bit variable in performance, by that I mean a little fussy (narrow range) on the impact speed at which they are designed to work. This can mean a particular range at which they will kill reliably without impacting something solid, or not blowing up leaving a shallow slow killing wound. A lot of this relates to the size of animal you are hunting, if you are looking to target everything from goats to wapiti-cross deer that can be where the issue can creep in as that is a really big range of animal weights and construction.
Some of the 150gr pills will work fine in that situation for that matter too, so it's a trial and error thing!
I've gone to the 165gr Interlock or SST (think Interlock with a poncy plastic tip, looks flash) as they seem to have a much wider range at which they are happy to do the hunting bullet thing, other people report similar results and there isn't much of an issue with that I've found with any extra recoil over the 150gr - or I can't tell the difference anyway.
I have two loads for mine - 150g Interlock at 2820 fps with 47g 2208 and 180 grain interlock RN at 2612 fps with 45.5g 2208.
Either of these loads in your 16 inch barrel would be going at the lowest I would say 2600fps for 150g's and 2400fps for the 180's - which is exactly what a .303 always did - at its' best.
If you want something specific: You could drive a 170 grain Interlock FN (.30/30 bullet) at 2400 fps with 2208 or 2206 or BM2. (I checked with Hornady themselves over the velocity performance window and they said this bullet was good up to 2500 fps.)
The factory superformance 150 sst goes good in my short barrel (14.5"), still get over 2700fps which is quick enough to make it versatile out a wee way but slow enough it doesn't get all explodey up close
Those sst pills are pretty explosive anyways,I swapped to interlocks in the 150s.
The 150 grain Interlock is a great bullet in the .308 or .30/06
Don't over think it
Common/popular powder.
Common/popular bullet.
They are popular for a reason.
150g Gold Dot 44g 2208. 16" barrel. I can't imagine they'll be moving that fast, but it doesn't really matter. They retain their weight quite nicely from the ones I've recovered. Nothing has walked away yet. Shot this young fella tonight at about 70m. He was looking back so it went through his throat first. Attachment 265309