it never fail to amaze me in this modern internet enlightened enviroment that folk who reload STILL DONT READ A MANUAL....... you have a load from a manual....most if not all have a start load and a maximum ARE SUPPOSED to start low and work your way up....UNTILL you know rifle and what it likes/doesnt like.....nearly EVERY reloading manual will have two cautions in it
nearly every source of reloading data will have the same two warnings
data was safe in test rifle...all rifles are different
start low and work up.
a good example of this is my .270 Vs RUMPYs one....his loads would be fine in loads would quite likely blow his rifle up..... my rifle HAPPILY sits 2grns above maximum of most manuals.......his flattens primers and gets sticky bolt 1-2grns BELOW MAX....
his has short throat...mine has longthroat and what appears to be a loose barrel..both shoot sub moa and both kill animals.