.308 reloading starting point
Beginning the reloading journey…have done a fair bit of reading but the more I read the more complicated it seems to get. Hoping someone can throw up a load using the same components with length so I don’t end up throwing coin away unnecessarily.
Rifle is a .308 T3x 16”currently shooting 150gn Gamehead at 2664fps. 2.677” OAL.
Components I have are Sako brass, 2206H and SST 150gn. I’d like a little more speed if I can get it.
I’ve played with GRT quite a bit and used max OAL 2.82” iirc for my initial calculations. Now if I start at Hornady length 2.735” it reduces charge below what folks on here seem to be running judging on speed which I guess means they’re running a different OAL. Obviously replicating the Gamehead length it reduces further…
I have help on hand for the actual putting together but unfortunately he only reloads .270 so it’s just the homework I’d love some help on.
Thanks in advance.