when you stop dicking about with chronicgraph and use rifle for hunting.....you load,sight in and go shoot stuff...life is SO MUCH EASIER ,the deer wont know the difference. sub 250ish yards YOU WONT EITHER....
in 35 years of hunting I can count number of deer Ive shot over 300 yards on one hand and still have digits to spare.if I sat down and wrote them all down and averaged the distance,it would probably be between 50 and 100 yards..... so couldve shot most of them with open sighted 30/30 I started out using....
pigs would be closer still...wallabies probably closer to 200 yards,but if you added in the ones in spot light or with shotgun would drop back to maybe 75yards...
I found the 308 dead easy to load for when all I asked was a group of around the inch,all were close to that,some better... speed didnt even come into it...loaded up 50 rounds for my young fella and dropped charge back a few grains,poked 150grn hornady on top...he shot loads of wallabies and a very good big bull tahr with them,no fuss,no bother,point n shoot and they died...125grn ballistic tip loads explosive on wallabies,as were 130grn speers..again just picked middle of range load from manual and shot it...yip good enough accuracy and went hunting.did same with 180grn round nose hornadies,and man do they kill well.
dont over think it.