Hello All
I am using a 20" Rossi lever gun in 44 mag (an old one), and I've been shooting 240gr JHP bullets in it, either PMCs or Sierras. and it groups great, 3 shots cut each other at 50 yards and 5 shots give me about 2" at 100 yards with a 5" drop. so its pretty well sorted.
Anyway i am in need of projectiles, and as a cost saving exercise I'm looking at cast bullets.
I've been looking at these ones
So i read everywhere that semi wadcutters are good on deer, but I've never used them. Would these go well on deer? Mostly reds and fallow. I don't reckon they will expand, but seems they don't need to due to the wadcutter design.
Anyone use them?
Any other readily available recommendations? I know about the robert fella who sells casts, but keen to see other recommendations as he seems to have supply issues