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Thread: 450 bm

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    Are they Hornady subsonics the 395 gr? I’ve found & heard that Hornady seem to run their subsonics slightly over the speed of sound to provide back pressure to cycle the semi autos they are so fond of… for instance the 45/70 subs I initially bought were running at approx 1140 fps through my 18” barrelled rifle. I pulled the bullets & reduced the powder charge from 18.8 gr to 16.5 gr to get the 1,030 fps I was looking for .. Good Luck

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Avopik View Post
    Are they Hornady subsonics the 395 gr? I’ve found & heard that Hornady seem to run their subsonics slightly over the speed of sound to provide back pressure to cycle the semi autos they are so fond of… for instance the 45/70 subs I initially bought were running at approx 1140 fps through my 18” barrelled rifle. I pulled the bullets & reduced the powder charge from 18.8 gr to 16.5 gr to get the 1,030 fps I was looking for .. Good Luck
    @Avopik Do you know what powder Hornady used for those sub loads ?

  3. #18
    Member Gur1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I see the Hornady subs come in small and large rifle primers , the few box’s I have brought have been one or the other.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    Hi Moa Hunter; I couldn’t identify the powder that were in the factory rounds. One of the Hornady podcasts ( listened on Spotify) ; the hornady guy said the powder they use for the subsonics wasnt a available for general public purchase. Alliant Red dot seemed to have reasonably close to the same bulk in the case where as Hodgdon titegroup seemed to take up very little case for the same weight ( around 11 grains) Of course there is a abit of variation in powder weight to get around 1,030 fps between jacketed bullets & hard cast … & Regular Large rifle primers & Magnum rifle primers ( run out of regular primers) Magnum primers gave an extra 30 fps for same powder load which equated to .5 gr less powder to get back to 1,030 fps
    Moa Hunter likes this.



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