Is there anyone on here with actual experience loading .50 Eley?
Same case as .500 nitro but the lower pressure cartridge prior to the nitro.
This .50 Eley is in great condition and has a good bore.
Any real world info appreciated
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Is there anyone on here with actual experience loading .50 Eley?
Same case as .500 nitro but the lower pressure cartridge prior to the nitro.
This .50 Eley is in great condition and has a good bore.
Any real world info appreciated
I made up a .500NE 3 1/4in on a New England/ H&R single shot & shot that a lot, it was like being in a Car Smash each shot with full Nitro loads & I know a bit about reloading that case both Nitro & light Nitro/BPE loads !
Is it a Double or single shot, I'm thinking a single as you are calling it by the .50 Eley name ?
@Scout good guess
Original 1885 .50 Eley
Round number 3 barrel
British proofs
Shotgun butt
1889 from the serial numbers
Probably for the Indian market
Very tidy and straight rifle with a good bore
Nice trigger at 4.5 pounds
Hopeless American express sights.
I have borrowed it to copy the stock for the 1885 I'm doing up
The owner has cases but has never fired it.
But is keen now as I have a heap of .50 450 grain projectiles for another project
First thing to look into is the British proofs
Crown over V and a couple I will need to blow up to decide what they are
Chamber is 3 1/4"
Attachment 129096
Attachment 129097
Attachment 129098
Yes it is gone, I was shooting it in a few big bore shoots (with full loads & arm goes numb & fingers can hardly reload) & one of the shooters wanted it badly so I sold it, strangely with in that week I was offered a Winchester Model 1885 in .50 Eley I think these are normally in 3in case, if it had been in .50/110 -.50/100 I may have grabbed it but in hind sight I wish I had !
That was why I was thinking it would be a single shot !
400 grain lead bullet, 140 grains Fg, according to Cartridges of the World.
Can you take a pencil rubbing of the proofs?
Then take a picture of that?
So looking properly with a magnifying glass I can compare the proofs with on line and they are London Proofs as expected.
the Winchester caliber marking is .50 Eley but the proof caliber is 50 EXP
50 Exp is 50-110 as far as I know.
Shoot something with it.
@norsk this one is probably to good for me to be allowed to hunt with !
But a well used Norwegian one in 50-110 That has shot a truck load of moose in its lifetime would for the bill