Put together a new load on the weekend for the 22-250.
To be honest the vmax probably isn't the ideal projectile for me as I shoot a few deer with the 22-250 as well as everything else that walks out in front of me but thought id give them a nudge anyway so bought 200 of them.
Fired a few groups off a table that weren't super flash so I lay down prone with the bipod and put one steady five shot group through it.
Was happy with that to say the least so went back home, loaded 70 at that and went out blasting peacocks. Confidently headshot a hare at 150meters which was fairly gruesome also. They seem to put goats down alright but like I mentioned, not really an ideal load for shooting deer anywhere but the head or neck.
Might pull the chrony out and see how fast they are going at some point, theyd be fair moving id say.
Load is 36grains IMR4895 which is max. Scales are sticking a little so I think it could be closer to 37 grains. No pressure signs. Cheap Highland/PPU brass and Hornady match primers.
First shot went a touch low - that was me. Still a bloody tight five shot group.