@Micky Duck it was an education for me as well. I don't have any ciggie papers on hand but next time in town I'll grab some. That and nitrating the paper might improve things.
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@Micky Duck it was an education for me as well. I don't have any ciggie papers on hand but next time in town I'll grab some. That and nitrating the paper might improve things.
one thing is for sure...WHEN...not if but when,you decide to take it hunting and shoot something with it...you will have bragging rights for weeks.
The dog ate Cheechs stash,nek day:O_O:
Attachment 192465
Is this the mould you are after
@Shanks That is the one I may be interested shall we discuss price. How many litres of petrol are you after for it. (-;
Don’t really know what it’s worth how about $100 including shipping
Yeah, mine came with a short ramrod. (see pics) for seating the projectile.
Have not used it yet, but I hear it is easier.
I do like the idea of nitrated paper etc, just seems like a lot of work....
Moulds are still up for grabs if anyone else wants them