Anyone know where I can source some ammo for the old girl ?
Anyone know where I can source some ammo for the old girl ?
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
Greetings Frogfeatures,
Have not heard the 6.5 Cacarno mentioned in ages. You really must be looking for something unique. Norma used to load it and I think Hornady did load some. Finding any in NZ could be tricky. I seem to remember those rifles being sold surplus for $45.00 decades back.
Regards Grandpamac.
It’s only been seen very rarely come up for sale, mostly as collectable packets rather than for use.
Norma brass is still available, as are dies. But sourcing the .268 projectiles is less easy.
In saying that, it seems outdoor supplies have Hornady 160gr carcano bullets in stock at $115
What is the difference between 6.5 Carcano projectile and a "standard" 6.5?
Greetings All,
The Italian Mannlicher Carcarno are an easy rifle not to love. Additional to the odd projectile size they also need a clip to use as a repeater which drop out of the rifle after the last round is chambered. Most had fixed sights which shoot about 700 mm high at 100 metres. I have not tried the trigger but it would surprise me if they were great. The action has a split bridge that makes mounting a scope difficult and expensive. And to top it off it was the rifle used to assasinate President Kennedy. Most I have seen in NZ were carbines but rifles may have been imported as well. A rifle for someone who enjoys a challenge. Wimps need not apply.
Regards Grandpamac.
I doubt it.
HOWEVER, the "Ping" as you describe it is a bit louder than that and is made as the clip is ejected from the rifle, not when it hit the ground.
As to whether the enemy heard it, was as you mentioned, dependent on any other bit of "business" that may have been occurring at the same time. :>).
Correct not very likely that any enemy would have any hearing left after the artillery and mortar fire stopped,
A friend was a NZ forward artillery observer in Korea station at the frontline with the Yanks and noticed that
they would have men armed with Thomsons and M3 Grease guns just incase it did happen and they would step
in and hose the bad guys with .45's,
He never saw it happening in the time he was there.
I saw some carcano ammo and die's on trade me yesterday,I hope this helps you get it shooting![]()