And its a point I agree with 100% @
outdoorlad. Often we see or hear about guys unhappy with bullet performance, and a frequent common denominator is a fast cartridge with a soft-ish bullet.
Seems to me that a lot of the common cup-and-core hunting bullets are at their performance limits around 2500-2600fps impact velocity, so say 2700-2800fps muzzle velocity. Poor penetration and excessive fragmentation are complaints about the SST all over the world. But how many of these complaints are from 7mm Rem Mags, 270s, 6.5-284s, etc etc?
Who knows, just seems to me that the complaints about Hornady SST, Sierra GameKing, Nosler Ballistic Tips etc often concern close range impacts from 3000fps+ cartridges. That additional 10% MV seems to make a lot of difference. We had a similar concern on here recently with ELD-X out of 7mm Rem Mags.
My one cuz used a new CZ 6.5 Grendel last season with (I think) the same weight SST in factory ammo, and loved it. Mule deer. In the front of the fuse box, all over rover.