You need to know roughly what the group size is in cm at 100m and that the Hornady is properly zeroed so it has a chance. How big was the cardboard box ?
Also when investigating accuracy problems its good to shoot another known accurate rifle on the same day to prove its the rifle / ammo not you. A 22 at 25m is fine for this.
What gear are you using ? Bipod or sandbag or special adjustable target rest ? Leather rear sand bag or just your hand on the ground ? That can make the difference between 60mm and 30mm at 100m.
How many shots per group ? If its only 3 then the size can vary heaps; 50mm one time and 100mm the next.
Its quite hard to say one rifle or ammo is truly more accurate than another unless you’re systematic and shoot off a good number of rounds eg 2x5 shot groups of each on paper.