70 grain Speer and Benchmark 2 in .222
Hi all
after many years of using the excellent Speer 70grain semi pointed bullet in my Brno .222 for deer I have run out of my old Dupont IMR 4895.
My load of 23 grains of IMR 4895 gave me 2800fps out of the original 23.5 inch barrel, any more powder and the drop tubed and compressed powder would push the bullets forward increasin OAL! There are no pressure indications at all, it appears mild. It shoots about MOA to 300 metres BTW.
After 50 years of hard use the barrel has worn back to 21" so the velocity will be down to 2700ish I guess, it still puts deer in the freezer.
I cant get any 4895 or 2206H and dont really want to buy it as I have heaps of Benchmark 2 and I feel the faster powder might give more velocity.
Does anyone have any experience or load data with BM2 and 70 grain Speer in .222 Rem please?
Regards Peter