So I loaded up 7 different powder charges, 2 bullets of each and shot two ladder tests.
Loaded up from 23.0-25.4gr in 0.4gr increments. I Loaded them 0.015" off the lands. Was going to do 0.010" but my land testing method showed some consistency but showed a spread of values a full 0.006" so opted for slightly further away.
Targets were shot at 263 yards in little or no wind.
I believe the test went well-ish. I determined that these bullets will stabilize in my rifle and that the seating depth can't be too far off.
But I have a problem knowing what shot is what load. It was to far for my x16 scope to pick up each shot, and the holes aren't in a 100% obvious vertical line.
I knew this was a problem and heard of multiple sources using highlighters on the projectiles to see what shot was what, but none of the high lighter transposed onto the target grrrr.
I have attached images of the two ladders I shot.
I transferred both sets of holes on to one sheet of paper and thankfully what I assume are groups 4, 5 and 6 are pretty close together. Even if I haven't assumed each shot correctly I think that area of the target is close enough I can assume my assumption is good enough to do further testing. The shots from these 3 groups had a total spread of about 2", so hopefully this is a good sign.
Will do 4 rounds of 6 different loads from 24.0-25.0gr in 0.2gr increments.
Hopefully today.
The first ladder test I ever tried I did at 100 Yards (working up a different load) and put every shot on top of each other.
This second attempt was more successful, but a spotting scope would've been more helpful!
Note: I actually loaded the bullets at 0.016" off the lands as I wound my seating die a tad to far (promise I haven't been rough every other part of the process).