@Tim Dicko rough estimate mate not measured the saum does the same my 5 shot ladder to pressure check where I thought it would land with a preempted 3 shoot group loaded where I wanted it was about half inch for all 7 shoots 150 rounds threw the saum now with 3 different projectiles load developed and 125 of the shots would be animals other 25 3 different loads . SAUM will always be my favorite im using 180s in that aswell now at 2880 it seems even smaller now after playing with the long action but this LRM is simply epic 3.3 kg ready to go pretty good for a big long action fat barreled magnum 180s at 3143 and still a pleasure to shoot the action has really impressed me the stocks the same as my saum which are my personal favorite both with leupolds they have a similar feel to get behind . Its not what 7mms my favorite its simply 7mms my favorite