I've taken a handful of deer with 162 ELD-X out of my rem mag, they're doing 3060 fps out if the 24 inch barrel.
The closest was a mature fallow hind at about 60 yards, neck shot, nearly decapitated her. Wound was about the size of a softball. Furthest deer was another mature fallow hind at 400 yards, spine shot just above the shoulder start of the neck sort of area, about a golf ball sized wound and went straight through.
Shot a red hind at 320 yards just behind the shoulder, the crease I've heard it called, destroyed the lungs and pulled some out with it on exit, wound a bit larger than golf ball size.
Two more deer taken, both at about 150 yards, one a red spiker and the other a fallow hind, both shot front shoulder area, both dropped on the spot, found the bullet jacket under the skin of the off side shoulder, exactly the same performance for both animals.
I haven't shot a sambar stag, or any stag with them but I would also be cautious using them for normal shoulder shots at close range, they are pretty soft. Might be a neck shot only sort of deal or if you have the time and energy

make a slower load, down somewhere around 2800fps for a bush load? A solid copper bullet could quite possibly suite your application, keep your ELD-X for longer shots and use a monolithic for the close stuff?