As it happens I had my new 7 Rem Mag out today for the first time for zeroing and barrel break in.
Specs are:
Borden Timberline magnum action.
Bartlein 2b barrel at 25” and 8.7 twist with a T2 brake.
Jewel trigger.
Remington Mag box and bottom metal (as I don’t like DBM setup for hunting).
Ken Henderson tactical stock.
Norma brass.
180 ELD-M.
Can’t recall COAL, so will measure up in the morning.
2780 fps with 65 grains is all I have shot so far. Quite a bit to go before pressure signs are likely.
If you have your barrel reamed for the OAL you want there’s no problem with seating deep into the case. Mine are reasonably long and fit easily in the factory Remington Mag box. A Wyatt’s bottom metal and Mag will give you around 3.8”, which will fix the Mag length issue. I have a spare Wyatt’s and mag unused, which I would be willing to sell for sensible money if that interests you.
8 twist will be good for very long, heavy projectiles, but I’m not sure it’s really necessary and is more aggressive than I felt was necessary. Too much twist is not a good thing.