So out at the range today to start the load work for my Mongrel Rem 700. Its and old action with a new stock and barrel. I have settled on AR2205 and Sierra Match King 168gr as the components. All projectiles have been coated with the David Tubb Boron Nitride coating system I have been using for years so nothing new there.
I have had this rifle for over 20yrs and done a heap of load work and shooting with it so this load development is not a new thing. Several strange results baffled me while at the range and I though some of you might have some answers.
I loaded up 5 shot strings with 6 increasing charges starting at 69.6gr and finishing at the Sierra max of 71.1grs Two of each string were for velocity purposes then the other 3 were for accuracy indications. I was using my new Magneto Speed V3 crony. I started shooting the 2 round strings for velocity and from the lowest load to the highest there was no difference in velocity over the whole lot all around 2700fps. This has never happened before using my old crony there is always an increase in velocity as the powder measure increases. As an aside there was no increase in apparent pressure signs on the cases. I measured them in front of the belt and from the min to max no increase in size, also there is absolutely no difference in the primer appearance.
So possible causes:
My new RCBS Chargemaster doesn't know what its doing.
So I ran some of the charge weights again changing the charge input unit the same way I did when I loaded the ammo. I then weighed them on my other scales 3 different charges all checked ok
The Magneto Speed V3 doesn't know what its doing.
Not sure about this it recorded all the shots they just all had a similar but uniquely different velocity. Will contact the manufacturer to see if they have any suggestions. I can also test another of my rifles to see what happens with different loads
My powder which is 10 years old has gone funky.
Well again not sure it all went bang had a nice solventy smell and showed no signs of degradation. I have a new can so can try this next time at the range.
It sure has me turned around, I am open to any suggestions from you guys.