Some reloaders mistakenly think that compressing powder is somehow a bad thing. I have loaded 51.5 grains with a 140 ballistic tip boat tail, and it compresses fine and stays where it should be. You can load a touch more with a 139 grain interlock.
So far 2209 gives faster velocities than 2208/Varget, I dont know why no one else is using 2209 in this cartridge.
I have both old and new 2209. Wtih other cartridges I load with the older powder (.30/06, 9.3 Mauser, 7x57, .243 etc) I am getting consistantly 100-150 fps less in any load than I did with the new powder, and the Hodgdon and ADI data corresponds with the faster powder. I have to bump all my loads up by 1-2 grains to match the modern 2209 powder, so I think that it is quite the opposite.
This rifle is a specific example of this - in this 7mm08 with a 19 inch barrel, with 50 grains of new 2209 and a 139 grain interlock, I am getting 2730 fps. (Book max is 50 grains with a 24 inch barrel for 2900fps, so taking short barrel into account, this is about right.) To match that result with the older powder I have to load 51 grains. So it is consistant with my other loads for other rifles with this powder and the current ADI/Hodgdon data.
(I have a perfect correspondance with the "new" powder matching the ADI data with the results I get in the 9.3x62 I remember in particular. To the point that I use that knowledge - to make cartridges just for sighting in scopes etc I load the same max load from the book, which the velocity I get matches very closely with the data, but swap to the old powder so it make it a bit lighter load which is easiaer on my shoulder because its 200 fps slower...)