I've been given a set of three Lyman dies in 7mm Rem Mag. The set has an expanding die and a seating/crimping die for use with cast bullets.
Cast projectiles in a Rem Mag?! I thought he was pulling my leg, but lo and behold:
I've been given a set of three Lyman dies in 7mm Rem Mag. The set has an expanding die and a seating/crimping die for use with cast bullets.
Cast projectiles in a Rem Mag?! I thought he was pulling my leg, but lo and behold:
Does it only crimp cast bullets? Some odd fellows crimp still, SST etc
a few trail boss powered cast loads to finish off game or plink bunnies with makes sense to this Kiwi.
Hmm kinda makes sense. I've given it a googling and see a few folk do lower powered loads for various reasons; injury, plinking, for the hell of it etc.
Still don't know what to do with this, I have another regular set in this cal. If anyone wants to have a play with them sing out.
I use the M die for all loads cast and jacket there is less strain on the case neck, some believe that the M die helps stop the case stretching, I know that the case mouth stays square longer
than when using a expander button and is easier to expand the neck, I use graphite powder for lubricant,
I'd be interested if you want sell the set.
In a magnum rifle???? Getting a 303 cast bullet to 2440fps is apparently a task, almost like getting to the moon. Getting it to 3000fps strikes me as trying to get to Mars, I mean has anyone actually tried / done it? I would be fascinated on what had to be done to achieve it!
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
It has been done there are a bunch of experimenters in the US working on shooting .30 cal cast bullets as fast as possible velocity is over 3000fps with a 165 grain bullet they use super slow twist
barrels of 14" to 16" twist the bullets are cast from a very hard lead mix no good for hunting unless it's cape buffao,
It's part of the sport, it has turned up some interesting information on lead bullet and bullet lube composition what works and what doesn't, there are some new bullet designs come out of it,
of course it is only really interesting for those into cast bullets.