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Thread: 7x57 newbie reloading

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    7x57 newbie reloading

    Hi team

    Have taken the plunge into reloading as I wasn't to impressed with the factory offerings!

    Loaded up my first rounds last week and had a range session which threw up a few questions. Hopefully someone might be able to shed some light on.

    Firstly some spec:
    Rifle: BSA with Douglas 23" barrel
    Powder: AR2209
    Norma brass
    All shot at 100m

    First load was 139 SST. Sweet spot seemed to be 49-50 grains (no pressure signs) but first shot was always 1.5'' or so high. Next two shots would be sub-inch. Any ideas as to why this would be? I thought possibly it was cool barrel? Will need to shoot some groups with this load to see what happens perhaps...

    Second load was 162 ELD-X, what was strange with these is they shot ~7'' lower than the 139gn projectiles. I didn't expect that marked a drop at 100m! they also "patterned" rather than grouped. Best group was approx 4'' (with 45gn powder). My first thought was to check the barrel twist which it appears to be 1:10, not ideal for the heavy pills. They where seated to 3.1" COL (max for my magazine) this is a long way off the lands in this rifle. I was really hoping that these projectiles where going to work in this rifle but initial tests suggest not... Is there anything else i can try to get these to shoot well? I have seen people loading these a bit hotter with good results (47gns), would a bit more velocity help? Not sure if I'm missing anything else?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Hawkes Bay
    When you say the "first shot"with the 139s, you mean from a clean bore?

    As for the 162s, I'd probably quit while I was only moderately behind and start looking for something else, maybe a bit lighter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Mine liked 150 grain Sierra gamekings and 2213sc, the one previous to that a Brno ZG 47 was the same also liked Nosler ballistic tips.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 6x47 View Post
    When you say the "first shot"with the 139s, you mean from a clean bore?
    Nope first shot of each 3 shot group. No barrel cleaning in between. Barrel would have cooled a bit ad would have been 10min or so between groups. Barrel is fully floated and action lug bedded though it doesn't look the flashest job...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Godzone, South Island
    Hi Hunty1, answer to your recent question, I load my 7x57 to 76 or 77mm coal [from memory] Theres still a decent jump to the lands, but I dont think the mag will allow any more. Sorry havent got the rifle with me to check.
    For your trial loads I would suggest maybe trying 5 shots to give you a more representative grouping. And are you sure its your first shot thats high? Years ago Graham Henry told me that if he had a rifle that did this, particularly if it was a load he liked, he sighted for that first cold bore shot and didnt worry about the rest. You only need one shot!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Husky1600 View Post
    Hi Hunty1, answer to your recent question, I load my 7x57 to 76 or 77mm coal [from memory] Theres still a decent jump to the lands, but I dont think the mag will allow any more. Sorry havent got the rifle with me to check.
    For your trial loads I would suggest maybe trying 5 shots to give you a more representative grouping. And are you sure its your first shot thats high? Years ago Graham Henry told me that if he had a rifle that did this, particularly if it was a load he liked, he sighted for that first cold bore shot and didnt worry about the rest. You only need one shot!
    Hey Husky, I agree I'll load some more rounds up with the 139gn pills and shoot some 5 shot groups to see how they go. I realise 3 shot groups don't mean too much. Only reason I was shooting 3 shot groups was that I only had 15 projectiles of each weight to try and was trying to figure out best charge weight. The 139gn pills had a COAL of 3'' (76.2mm) might try playing around with this.

    Think i'll give up on the 162gn pills, could try the the 150gn but then too similar to my boringly accurate 308 ;-)

    Danny likes this.

  7. #7
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Try H4350 powder. Our IMR4350. From what I have read this seems to be the go to powder for the heavier pills.
    Let us know how you get on.
    What's the BSA model? Nothing to do with load development just interested

  8. #8
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow View Post
    Try H4350 powder. Our IMR4350. From what I have read this seems to be the go to powder for the heavier pills.
    Let us know how you get on.
    What's the BSA model? Nothing to do with load development just interested
    Using Ar2209 which is H4350 I believe... apparently it's repackaged and sold as Hodgdon powder... ADI apparently make a few of their powders...

    Rifle is a bit of a mongrel... bsa viscount action, douglas stainless barrel and fiberglass stock.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bell Block NZ/Northern Alberta Canada

    Have a read threw here,

    The link to the forum is mine, I have two M70 7x57, I shoot 162 a-max or a 150gr Balistic tip, or 154gr interlock.
    The first shot is more important that the rest, as a cold bore first shot, is the one that takes most game, just be consistent on it, ie dirty bore, or very lighty oiled, or dry and clean,
    I shoot five shot groups, its pretty easy to have a good three shot group, not so much with five, others will disagree, 2" at 100m is plenty good enough for a 7x57 to 400m or more on deer, but a tighter group will give more confidence, and this is a big part of shooting well.

    I think the 140-155gr is a good weight to speed zone, for the 7x57, should get to 2750-2900 or so,
    I am a bit hotter that you with 162gr, may help, may not, don't invest too much time into, try loading as long as magazine will let you. and up the charge, one in ten, might not be enough to stabilize esp if slow.

    The 154gr hornardy interlocks are cheap, shoot well in every 7x57 I have tried, (6-7 rifles) and perform very well at moderate speeds of a 7x57,
    And congrats on the ownership, of one of the finest and most well balanced hunting cartridge's made, been around 125 years now.
    Last edited by southernman; 28-06-2017 at 07:09 AM.

  10. #10
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
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    Do you have the correct twist rate for the 162 grain pills?

    Vertical strings usually indicate that you need to bed the rifle as the poi shifts as the barrel heats up.
    Warm Barrels!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by southernman View Post

    Have a read threw here,

    The link to the forum is mine, I have two M70 7x57, I shoot 162 a-max or a 150gr Balistic tip, or 154gr interlock.
    The first shot is more important that the rest, as a cold bore first shot, is the one that takes most game, just be consistent on it, ie dirty bore, or very lighty oiled, or dry and clean,
    I shoot five shot groups, its pretty easy to have a good three shot group, not so much with five, others will disagree, 2" at 100m is plenty good enough for a 7x57 to 400m or more on deer, but a tighter group will give more confidence, and this is a big part of shooting well.

    I think the 140-155gr is a good weight to speed zone, for the 7x57, should get to 2750-2900 or so,
    I am a bit hotter that you with 162gr, may help, may not, don't invest too much time into, try loading as long as magazine will let you. and up the charge, one in ten, might not be enough to stabilize esp if slow.

    The 154gr hornardy interlocks are cheap, shoot well in every 7x57 I have tried, (6-7 rifles) and perform very well at moderate speeds of a 7x57,
    And congrats on the ownership, of one of the finest and most well balanced hunting cartridge's made, been around 125 years now.
    Thanks for that! some very valid points. I think i'll load up a bunch of the 139gr projectiles and shoot some groups. I also have a few 150gr projectiles i'll try.


  12. #12
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    I'd go with 150 or 154 in it. The 7x57 is an awesome caliber and everyone I've owned has shot well with the 154.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dan M

  13. #13
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Might pay to check how good your stock bedding is as the vertical stringing could be caused by it. Wrap your hand loosely around the barrel and fore stock and undo and do up the front action screw and see if you can feel the barrel lifting in the stock. If it's lifting up a noticeable amount when the screw tension is released, then the action is not flat in the bedding. I had the same problem with my BSA Viscount and I sorted this issue and it came right. Also have you given the barrel a good scrub with a copper removing solvent? Use something non ammonia based like Bore Tech Eliminator or the likes.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I'd go with 150 or 154 in it. The 7x57 is an awesome caliber and everyone I've owned has shot well with the 154.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    @Danny What powder and charge have you used with them? Realise every rifle is different and need to work up in new gun.

  15. #15
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    2213sc and I think I had some R19 I used also. It just wasn't picky at all.
    In a husky and a Mod 70 featherweight. Beautiful rifle that got stolen...
    I'm sorry as I can't comment on other pills as that's all I bought and used. I've never been a fan of the 140 7mm pills.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dan M



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